Article ID: kb10078Last Modified: 16-Aug-2024

Error While Restoring to EC2. The Requested Configuration Is Currently Not Supported (code 2034)


A restore to EC2 plan terminates with the following error: Error while restoring to EC2. The Requested Configuration Is Currently Not Supported


Some options in your launch template or launch configuration might not be compatible with the instance type, or the instance configuration might not be supported in your requested AWS Region or Availability Zones.


Follow the best practice instructions by Amazon.

Try a different instance configuration. To search for an instance type that meets your requirements, see Finding an Amazon EC2 instance type.

For further guidance to resolve this issue, check the following:

  • Test that the instance type is available in your requested Region and Availability Zones. The newest generation instance types might not yet be available in a given Region or Availability Zone. The older generation instance types might not be available in newer Regions and Availability Zones. To search for instance types offered by location (Region or Availability Zone), use the describe-instance-type-offerings command. For more information, see Finding an Amazon EC2 instance type.