Article ID: kb10122Last Modified: 16-Aug-2024

Data Parts Missing (code 2500)


A backup plan terminates with the following warning: Data parts missing. One or more data parts are missing on backup storage for restore point: (restore point name). This restore point and all following restore points may not be restored properly. A full backup was executed and a new generation was created


This warning is generated by a mandatory consistency check that is performed at each start of the backup plan. Consistency check detected that some data is missing on backup storage in the current generation (a chain of full and subsequent incremental backups). The restore point with missing data is displayed in the warning message and is marked as invalid along with all following restore points.


No action is required. If a mandatory consistency check detects missing data parts on backup storage, it invokes full backup automatically. You can delete invalid restore points manually in order to use reasonably the space on backup storage.